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 OCHA / Let's share

" OCHA sees possibility to create a scenario of people start sharing a little happiness during a regular day so IF purposed an idea of creating a platform or a tool to let people SHARE part of their happiness. "

After having been in love with finding good dishes and enjoying them, the owner of OCHA Original started to enjoy baking, making, cooking them for herself and share with others around her and it later became an idea to start a little booth on BTS Mochit station to let more people to enjoy this taste as well.

Due to its location as one of the biggest transit-node in Bangkok, around 80,000 people share this station each day, and many of them are routine users.


OCHA sees possibility to create a scenario of people start sharing a little happiness during a regular day so IF purposed an idea of creating a platform or a tool to let people SHARE part of their happiness.

People can leave a delicately made dessert by OCHA as their gift on this platform with some message on the package and OCHA’s staff will call the recipient to come and pick it up when they are available.


We used wooden plates as a tool and turned them into a display shelf which is the main element of this booth. Along with the Corporate Identity design by Symbolist Co.,Ltd., OCHA's 1st booth located on BTS Mochit became one more spot in the city to share something for others warmly.




Main Designer

Corporate Identity

Main Contractor

BTS Mochit, Bangkok, Thailand

OCHA Original co.,ltd.

Integrated Field co.,ltd.

Symbolist co.,ltd.

Chayatat co.,ltd.

Scope of work






​Architecture / Interior Design / FF&E

17.8 sq.m.

700,000 Baht

Mar 2014

Aug 2014

Integrated Field co.,ltd.

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